Hi there! I’m Peggy — the creator behind A Glass Act. Ever since I can remember, I have always loved art. It is my first passion, and while I got sidetracked with owning a corporation for 34 years, I am now back on track to pursue my art. Fifteen years ago, I discovered a glass fusion class and decided to enroll.  I was immediately hooked on the creativity.  Not to be confused with glass blowing, fusion allows me to work with the glass in a more intricate way. With fusion, I can design a piece with as many types of glass that I want. I cut shapes and design the piece, then fire it in the kiln where it all becomes fused together into a flat piece.  Once it cools, I then choose a mold, which will give it the shape I desire. The kiln heats the glass again and it drops into the mold. The possibilities seem endless, and I am constantly discovering new ways to create.

The thrill of a customer selecting one of my pieces for their home never gets old.  I create everything from wall art to sushi sets to garden flowers.  Many items, such as free-standing art or garden flowers are made to order.  Every piece is unique in design and color. With custom ordering, you can select a color preference for your piece from one of my designs.  Don’t hesitate to contact me with your inquiries.  I look forward to hearing from you!